Bears Head Hericium abietis Sister species to Lions Mane
Delicious, beautiful, easy to ID, a great mushroom for beginner’s to learn! • Here in the PNW we’ve got a Hericium species we refer to as “Bear’s Head”, the Hericium abietis grows on conifers and looks nearly identical to a few ‘sister species’ that grow worldwide. You’ll hear many, many common names for Hericium species because of their popularity, unique shape and the fact that there are many different types in different global regions. The great thing is, all other species that look like this are also delicious and edible! So, even if you live outside of the PNW, you may be able to find Hericium as well, however the environment and tree it grows on may be different in your bioregion. • The knife I use! - • The books! • Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest - • Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast - • The Complete Mushroom Hunter - Gary Lincoff - • Theme music by Jason Vorpagel