First Peek of GSOS 1a The Gameshow Of Stars
This is the very first sneak peek for the first episode of my object show, The Gameshow of Stars! • #osc #gsos #gameshowofstars • • Hey, hey, hey! It's the epic Izzikui here! I can't wait to make this show! I have been a procrastinating YouTuber, so I haven't made a lot of content for you guys. And I'm sorry for that. But I hope I can make it up to you all soon! I'm getting more progress with GSOS done, and I can't wait to have the voice actors record their lines! • • Thank you for being with me here. :) • Shoutouts! • @PeanutbutterjellyAnimations4 @jaybut_trademarked @marlistry @prod_blobyunderscorechan @GoodLuckCharm1 @SmudgedisInk @JANUARYINCANADA @Estellathealien @IATEYOURDOORHAHA @lightning.fanandsimp @inanimateinsanityfan1