How to blow your nose
Teaching your child how to blow their nose can be a difficult task for parents. Dr. Heather Zimmerman, pediatrician at Boys Town Pediatrics, offers some tips and strategies for parents when they are trying to teach their child how to blow their nose. Learn more at • When you have a stuffy nose, tissues and nose-blowing are normally involved. But for a toddler, nose-blowing can be a tricky skill to learn. Some learn the skill simply by imitating parents or older siblings while others may take a little longer. It is important to remember every child learns and develops differently. • While the transition between a nasal suction and nose-blowing is not the prettiest, it can be an entertaining process. Most children start learning and accomplishing nose-blowing techniques between the ages of 2-4. Boys Town Pediatrics offers insights and tricks on nose-blowing.