Sources of Heat


#ngscience #heat #energy #@ngscience • • What is a source of heat? How do we use sources of heat during the dy and around the home? • Applies to the Grade 1 and Grade 2 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). • Visit for free worksheets and interactive content relating to this topic. • Take two cups and fill them with tap water. Place one cup in a refrigerator and the other in a sunny place outside. In one hour, use your sense of touch to observe the water in each cup. What do you feel? Heat is a form of energy that makes things feel warm. The tap water in each cup contained heat energy and felt warm. When you placed one cup in the refrigerator, it lost heat energy and felt colder. When you placed the other cup in the sun, it gained heat energy and felt warmer. • A source of heat is something that produces heat. • On Earth, the sun is our main and most important source of heat. The heat from the sun warms our whole planet and all of the living and • non-living things on it. If there was no heat from the sun, there would be no life on Earth. • There are many other sources of heat. Burning wood, gas and oil are sources of heat. When these things burn, they produce heat. • Many appliances and devices in our homes are sources of heat too. Ovens, kettles and toasters are sources of heat. Clothes dryers, irons and hair • dryers are sources of heat too. • What are some other sources of heat? • How is heat used by people? • What is the source of heat?


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