GET BACK 103 season1 rickandmorty Anatomy Park


Anatomy Park • On Christmas, Rick shrinks Morty and sends him inside the body of a homeless man named Reuben, once a doctor, to save his life. Inside Reuben's body is Anatomy Park (a parody of both Jurassic Park and Disneyland), which houses various deadly diseases that escape their enclosures. Morty meets the park staff, Poncho, Alexander, Annie, and their leader Dr. Xenon Bloom. After fleeing from gonorrhea to the lungs, they discover that Reuben is suffering from tuberculosis, but he dies just before Rick can cure him. Together they flee from the rampaging diseases and dangers, which results in Alexander's death, while Annie eventually falls for Morty. They discover that Poncho betrayed them by giving Reuben tuberculosis, and he is killed by bubonic plague. Morty tells them to get to Reuben's right nipple, and Dr. Bloom is devoured by E. coli bacteria operating a train for Morty and Annie to escape. Rick ultimately rescues Morty and Annie by enlarging Reuben's body to the size of the contiguous United States before detonating the body. Annie, Rick, and Morty return to Earth, and Rick shrinks Annie for a future experiment. • Meanwhile, at the family home, Jerry's parents visit along with a man named Jacob, and the family tries to bond without electronic devices at his demand. At lunch, Jerry is dismayed to discover his parents have been engaging in polyamory with Jacob, and soon comes to regret his wish for an electronic-free bonding. Summer's boyfriend Ethan makes an appearance, enraged over her digital absence, and they fight briefly before reconciling with Jacob's help. Suddenly, blood from Reuben's remains rains from the sky, enveloping the outdoors. Rick and Morty return to the living room, and Rick berates the family for engrossing themselves in their electronics on Christmas. • #rickandmorty #AnatomyPark #ChristmasAdventure #DreamAdventure #HyperIntelligentDogs #Inception #SmartPets #FearHole #GreatestFear #EscapeJourney #RealityManipulation #PostCreditsScene #AfterlifeQuest #BigfootHeist #ValhallaAdventure #PopeVsRick


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