Starting a chestnut tree from seed


Starting plants from seed is a great experience, as it's always fun to watch a plant develop from its early beginnings to a full grown one. And chestnuts are just super fun to try! • ▼▼▼More info bellow!▼▼▼ • First the chestnuts need to experience cool temperatures to germinate. They are best achieved in the refrigerator, since temperatures are low enough, but the danger of frost is eliminated. To store the seeds in the refrigerator you can use a bag and some damp peat moss. There seems to be a multitude of ways, some more complicated than others, here are a few I found interesting and and • I kept my seeds in just a plain bag, no ventilation holes, but given that it wasn't tightly sealed either. The bag was humid and remained in the refrigerator for almost 5 months. Some seeds already started to sprout, so it was time to pull them out. • I placed the seeds on their side, even if they already were growing the initial root. I placed them in some good draining soil and perlite and covered them with 4-5 cm of soil. • In a week, the stem started to poke through the soil. In 2 weeks the plants were already forming leaves and were getting tall. In a month it was time to pot them in a larger container. I now keep them in an eastern exposure that receives morning sun, but not hot noon sun. As they are small they might be fragile, so better safe than sorry. I keep the soil adequately moist and don't let it sit bone dry for too many days. Hope this will inspire you to start your chestnut trees next season :D • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ Want to send me something? Here's my address! • Orchid Nature • P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ Want to support my channel and help me continue doing what I love? You can contribute here and thanks a bunch! • • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ Join our community and find tutorials, photos, care sheets and loads of goodies Orchid Nature - • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ Follow me on Twitter   / missorchidgirl   • ✿ Follow me on Instagram   / missorchidgirl   • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ See my video playlists! •    / missorchidgirl   • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ✿ Music • Fretless Kevin MacLeod ( • Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License •


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