Henriette von Schirach the woman who challenged Hitler over the Holocaust
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Henriette Hoffmann was born on the 13 January 1913, the daughter of the photographer Heinrich Hoffmann and his first wife, the singer and actress Therese Nelly Baumann who died in 1928. She was the eldest child, her brother Heinrich came along three years later. Henriette spent her childhood in Schwabing, often considered to be the artisitic district of Munich. Here she came into contact with the Nazis from a young age. Heinrich Hoffman was a friend of Hitler’s and was one of the first members of the party, joining even when it was still called the German Workers Party, before it became the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) on 24 February 1920. Henriette was eight, she first met Adolf Hitler in 1921. As Hitler’s political career advanced, so did the business of Heinrich Hoffman who got not only business from photographing other Nazis but also rights to sell Nazi publications and busts of Hitler. Added to that was the obvious kudos of being Hitler’s photographer which no doubt got him more business than anthing else. Lets face it, if you were some racist, anti democratic nut job in Munich, you would be happy to pay double to get your photograph done at the same place as Hitler rather than go to another photographer. • Whilst Henriette Hoffmann was studing at the University of Munich , she also helped Hitler out with his secretarial work. This brought her into direct contact with even more people who were to wield power in the future Nazi state. She also knew the Hitler inner circle such as his niece Geli Raubal and of course she knew Eva Braun even before Hitler met her. Eva Braun was then working as an apprentice at her father’s photographic studio. • She met Baldur von Schirach, the then leader of the Nazi student union and probably the youngest member of Hitler's entourage, for the first time in 1931. Hitler would have been pleased, here we see him with Henriette and other ladies at the New Year’s Eve ball on 31 December 1931. • Henriette married Baldur von Schirach on 31 March 1932 in Munich, with Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm acting as witnesses . As far as Nazi royalty was concerned, one could not do better in 1932. • There is a video on YouTube where you can see an interview between British television personality David Frost and Baldur von Schirach. The interview dates to 1967. Von Schirach comes across as a charming, well spoken, aristocrat who is very approachable. His English is impeccable, indeed it was all he spoke until he was five. What needs also to be remembered is that he was leader of the Hitler Youth, he had sole control of the education system in Nazi Germany and thus responsible for engendering the hate, racism and motives of entitlement that led to the dreadful crimes of WW2. Von Schirach deserved to be one of the major war criminals put on trial at Nuremberg. • Between 1933 and 1942 Henriette gave birth to four children: Angelika Benedikta, Klaus, Robert and Richard . • After their marriage, Henriette von Schirach became a member of the NSDAP (membership number 263.026). She did not exercise a function in the party apparatus, her role was that of a good Nazi wife, that is to say mother in bringing up four children. She identified herself with the goals of her husband, who sought sole control over the educational system in the German Reich . • Baldur von Schirach was a big hit at the Nazi rallies. In the Nuremberg rally of 1934, he appeared with Hitler in rousing the Hitlerjugend audience which was filmed for Triumph of the Will, the propaganda film made by Leni Riefenstahl . This is a bit ironic in the light of later circumstances which you will hear about if you can be bothered to watch for that long. • During the campaign in western Europe, her husband took part and was awarded the Iron Cross before being recalled. He served with the 4th (Machine Gun) Company of Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland where he got promoted from Gefreiter , roughly equivalent of corporal to Leuitenant. • On 8 August 1940, Schirach succeeded Josef Bürckel as Gauleiter and Reichsstatthalter of the Reichsgau Vienna,. This is roughly equivalent of governor a very powerful post. There were 23 such provinces which had Gauleiter in Nazi Germany – here you can see a map of them. Josef Goebbels was the gauleiter of Berlin for example. • When he took on this role, he was replaced as Reich Youth Leader Reichsjugendführer by Artur Axmann, though he retained his position as Reichsleiter for Youth Education. • On receiving the post, the whole family moved to the prestigious Vienna Hofburg . • Von Schirach was an anti Semite although he tried to downplay this after the war, and for that please see the David Frost interview for which a link is given below. • Interview with Baldur von Schirach (13 September 1968) : • https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xs8tlm • Please consider supporting me on Patreon. / alanheath