Sika additives for readymix conrete
Ready Mix Concrete Technology • • Water-Reduction Admixtures • Full range of water reduction technologies from water reducer (Sika Plastiment or Sika Plastocrete) to high range water reducer (Sikament or Sika ViscoCrete) combined with controlled setting times and all application requirements. • Set-Controlling Admixtures • Specific set retarders (Sika Retarder) allow to apply the concrete as along as recommended. Different types of accelerators (SikaRapid) controlling the high early strength development as well as the phase of green concrete . • Durability-Enhancer Admixtures • Main requirement for concrete structures is durability. Specific concrete technology and full range of products (SikaAer; SikaControl; SikaFume; Sika FerroGard) fulfil all these requirements. • Concrete Essentials • A wide range of add-ons complete the product range like mould release agents (Separol), curing compounds (Antisol), surface retarders (Rugasol), viscosity modifying agents (Sika Stabilizer) etc.