Maddening Arousal


Some people suffer from persistent genital arousal -- feelings of orgasm or just before orgasm that don't go away. It can be miserable but even worse when those they reach out to don't understand or challenge their experience. • In this video I try to explain what's happening to the body and how the pleasure becomes a pain by pouring glasses of ice water onto my lap. • It's not a perfect comparison because 1) I'm choosing to torture myself, 2) I can stop at any time 3) there is no social shaming attached to a cold crotch, and 4) no one is challenging my misery but I really tried to do my best with it though. I poured the first glass, explained the disorder, poured a second glass, explained how people feel about it, poured another glass and so on. Every cut where you see me from the chest up I'm still sitting in icy wetness from the cut before it. In fact, we shot for two hours and I had cold wet pants the entire time. Part of this was to build my own empathy -- to sit there sexplaining Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder while my genitals were at least somewhat irritated. The other part was hopefully to evoke empathy in you. Now imagine having PGAD for weeks or years. • Maddening. • I hope you stay curious and compassionate. Below you will find some of the resources I used in this episode: • • • • •


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