Monzo Plus Review 2020 Is it worth it
Monzo has relaunched it's paid for premium current account - Monzo Plus. • It's very different to last time, which can't be a bad thing as it was a total flop and withdrawn from the market after just a few months. • This time around you'll pay £5 a month and rather than get things like insurance or freebies you'll get souped up versions of existing features, as well as in credit interest, virtual debit cards and a fancy holographic debit card. • But is it any good? And should you shell out £60 a year to access these extras? • In this video I'll take you through each feature so you know what you'll get if you want to give it a go. Plus I've shared alternative products with similar features. • FULL REVIEW ON THE BLOG • • #Monzo #MonzoPlus #BankReview • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ SUBSCRIBE TO ANDY'S CHANNEL • / @becleverwithyourcash • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ GET ANDY'S NEWSLETTER EVERY WEEK • You'll also get a free Quidco bonus for signing up • • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ FURTHER VIDEOS READING • Monzo vs Starling vs Revolut • • The best mobile bank: Monzo vs Starli... • Best savings and current accounts playlist • • Best savings, banking and credit card... • Best cards to use abroad • • The best travel cards to use overseas... • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ ANDY ON SOCIAL • Andy's handle is @AndyCleverCash and you can connect with him over at: • ☆ Twitter - / andyclevercash • ☆ Instagram - / andyclevercash • ☆ Facebook - / becleverwithyourcash • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ ABOUT ANDY • Andy Webb is a money blogger and journalist. He runs the award-winning website Be Clever With Your Cash, presents Channel 5’s Shop Smart Save Money and writes every month for Reader's Digest. Andy also founded the community • Andy's YouTube channel won Best Money Vlogger at the 2017 SHOMO awards. • ▶︎▶︎▶︎ KIT USED (affiliate links) • ☆ Canon M50 • ☆ Canon EF-M 22mm lens • ☆ Rode Video Mic Go • DISCLAIMER • Content in these videos does not constitute regulated financial advice. Any offers mentioned were correct at the time of filming.