Mphasis ETL Testing Interview Question


Mphasis ETL Testing Interview Question ‪@testerhoon28‬ • Fact Table Fact less Fact Table and Dimension table • 1) What is surrogate key • 2) we have a primary key in table then what is the use of surrogate key • 3) if we have primary key then can we used surrogate key • 3) Difference between Fact table and Dimension table • 4) What is Data purging • 5) How to check count between staging and Target • 6) if there is a difference between count of staging and Target then what will you do? • 7) Have you used flat file in your project • 8) What is factless fact table • 9) Which ETL tool you are using in your project.? Do you have knowledge of Informatica? • 10) what are the validations that you validate during ETL testing and what will be your scenarios • 11) Do you have experience in API Testing • DB related question--- • 1) Display last 5 records – select top 5 * from table_name order by col 1 dec • 2) in EMP table there is a column of E-mail Id whose data type is varchar then how will you validate the valid Email id


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