How to Change WiFi Network Name and Password


Changing a Wifi Network Name or Password needs to be done by logging onto the modem router, . The Netgear modem router interface is shown in this video, but it's the same concept to change the Wifi Network Name or WiFi password using another brand of router. • If you own your modem/router, also called a gateway by Xfininty, Cox, Spectrum and other internet service providers you will have to login directly to your router. If you rent your gateway, then it's likely you can not directly logon to the cable company's gateway. Xfinity's website allows you to log into your account and change the WiFi network name and WiFi password from the account page. • There are hundreds of videos at Know How Now, subscribe so you can always find the channel…. It’s free. I always respect your time and do my best to keep the videos brief, but informative. Check out the channel with this link: • • Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Know How Now, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Know How Now assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Know How Now recommends safe practices when working and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Know How Now, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Know How Now.


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