The Process Of Neurons When Exposed To THC Tetra hydro cannabial
• The process of Neurons When Exposed T... • (Hindi/Urdu video link) • • Our brain consists of around 100 billion neurons, which are extensively interconnected, and they all set signals when electrical signal reaches the end of an axon. These structures are called synapsis. Chemical substances called neurotransmitters are released to pass the signal over to the next neuron in the chain.The main cannabonoid produced by the cannabis plant is called THC tetra hydro cannabial. • It binds to C-B1 cannabooid receptors much better than their natural activator and endomy. thus on the cellular level the application leads to a very efficient inhibition of neurotransmitter release. On the more global level this can mediate effects such as muscle relaxation stress reduction. relief of pain, altered senses and pleasant euphoria. • #neurons #transmitter #3d #animation #explanation