Nightshade NES OST Logo amp Game Over
It's Nightshade! The quirky, obscure, awesome game for the NES! It involves a superhero who dresses like a film noir spy, a super villain who looks like the Egyptian god Anubis, blond ninjas, guys who throw deadly bowler hats, giant rats, talking cats, and tons of other weird stuff! It's a lot of fun! Give it a try if you get the chance! • I ripped this soundtrack (and named all of the songs) myself. You can download the whole thing here: • • (NOTE: I lost many of the smaller, incidental songs in this OST, but the major themes are all left in the collection I have available to download. If anyone has the ones that I'm missing, please send them to me, so I can put up the full collection again. Thanks.) • Music's not mine, copyrighted to original creators, etc. etc.