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Join the Bananas in a compilation of full episodes including: • Big Parade - There is going to be a big parade in Cuddles Avenue. Rat volunteers to organise the marching band but finds that everyone has something more important to do. The big day arrives and so does the 'One Rat Marching Band'! • Wet Paint - Amy and Morgan can’t resist touching the brand new paint on the park bench, just to see if it really is wet. • Shiny Things - A series of shiny things go missing from Cuddles Avenue, including Rat’s brand new watch. The Bananas set a trap but keep getting distracted. Finally the watch thief is revealed - it’s Maggie. • Lost Shoe - Amy loses her shoe. The Teddies and Bananas get very tired and thirsty looking for it everywhere. Lulu opens the fridge to get drinks and finds - the shoe! • Never miss a Bananas Episode - click here to subscribe / @bananasinpyjamas • Bananas in Pyjamas Theme Song : • Bananas in Pyjamas Theme Song - Banan... • Welcome to the Official Bananas in Pyjamas Channel. • On this channel you will find classic and animated full episodes. • Your favourite clips and compilations and much more! Tune in every week and see the antics of B1, B2 and their many friends.