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It is absolutely critical that we understand team control in the game of basketball. When does team control start and when does team control end? How does team control start? And how does team control end? This is a critical, fundamental, basic understanding that we have to have as basketball officials. • Link to the Online Quiz ➞ https://abetterofficial.com/quizzes/e... • Support the Show ➞ https://abetterofficial.com/coffee?yt • • 00:00 Introduction • 02:06 Play Scenario 1 Team Control Foul? • 07:58 Play Scenario 2 Inadvertent Whistle • 11:26 Play Scenario 3 Grant the Time Out? • 16:10 Play Scenario 4 Erroneously says 2 Shots • 19:16 Wrap-up Thank You!!! • • Special thanks to our Show Supporters: • • Brett Green • • Wah Law • • Alonzo Maxwell • • Quwan Spears • • John Turzer / Maui Basketball Officials (Mega Supporter) • • Freddy Krieger (Mega Supporter) • Subscribe to the channel if you are interested in being A Better Official. Our content is geared to the basketball referee who wants to improve as an official and take control of their officiating career. • • If you have any questions about what I've covered today then ask me in the YouTube comments, or • ▽ Let’s connect! • ➞ Website https://abetterofficial.com/contact • ➞ Twitter / betterofficials • ➞ FaceBook / betterofficials • ➞ Email [email protected] • ▽ Music Credit • Parasail/ Silent Partner • OTHER VIDEO PLAYLISTS: • • Basketball Rules Expert • http://bit.ly/breshows • • 2-Person High School Mechanics • http://bit.ly/YT-2p • • Wired officials videos • http://bit.ly/wiredrefs • • You Make the Call • http://bit.ly/YT-YMTC • • 3-person High School Mechanics videos • http://bit.ly/yt-3p • • 5 Minutes on Officiating • http://bit.ly/YT-FMOO • • Full Game Videos • http://bit.ly/YT-FullGames • As always, keep working hard and let's get better together. https://abetterofficial.com • --------------------------------- • Note: This video is archival in nature. Rules, interpretations, mechanics, philosophies and other information may or may not be correct for the current year. • --------------------------------- • Transcription: • It is absolutely critical that we understand team control in the game of basketball. When does team control start and when does team control end? How does team control start? And how does team control end? This is a critical, fundamental, basic understanding that we have to have as basketball officials. Alright, let's get started with our very first place scenario. • A1 has the ball for a throw-in the throw-in pass deflects off of A2 as A2 and B2 are attempting to retrieve the ball. A to illegally pushes B2 from behind, and is ruled for a foul. Team B is in the bonus. The officials rule that B2 is awarded bonus free throws, where the officials Correct, yes or no. Let's start by looking at Rule 4 - Section 12 control player and team. So we're looking at player control and team control. • Article 1, a player is in control of the ball when he or she is holding or dribbling a live ball. That is something you must submit between your ears to have a firm grasp on the rules of High School basketball player control is established by a player holding or dribbling the basketball, simple, straightforward. I own that. It's in my pocket. It goes out with me on the court every single time. A basic fundamental concept. Turning to Rule Four, the most important rule for new basketball officials, we're going to build upon that and have a firmer understanding of team control. • Article One also says there is no player control when during a jump ball, a jumper catches the ball prior to the ball touching the floor, or a non jumper, or during an interrupted dribble. Which is an important concept, but the most important concept, a player is in control of the ball when he or she is holding or dribbling a live ball. • Article 2 a team is in control of the ball, we have team control. • A. when a player of the team is in control. A player of the team in control would mean that it is a player, holding or dribbling the basketball. • B. while a live ball is being passed among teammates. So we have player control. We pass the ball to another player, while the ball is in flight, we have team control but no player control. And then when the player catches the pass. Now we have player control again. • C. During an interrupted dribble, we need to know the definition of uninterrupted dribble and • When a player of the team has disposal of the ball for a throw-in.