Most Toxic Trees and Plants


While trying to survive in the forest, it’s better to be safe than sorry. This means avoiding certain plants. Toxic plants often have similar characteristics. Plants with thorns don’t look too appetizing to begin with so it’s best just to avoid them for the most part. While many people would enjoy saving as many plants and trees as possible, perhaps these ones we can do with out! From plants that contain substances that might make you hallucinate, to plants that need careful preparation before you eat them, here are the most toxic trees and plants. • Subscribe to American Eye • 6. Bamboo • Although bamboo would be considered to be a primary food source for panda bears, humans should not consider eating this stuff raw. Golden lemurs and pandas have evolved to be able to eat enough cyanide which would be able to kill several humans. You do not have this evolutionary trait, so don’t eat it. Cooked bamboo on the other hand has been known to be consumed at various restaurants but the pickled variety has led to fatal poisonings. If you’re looking to by some, make it’s not toxic first! • • 5. White Snakeroot • With a name like white snakeroot, it’s probably best you don’t find out what it tastes like. This plant was actually believed to be the plant that was responsible for bringing upon the demise of Abraham Lincoln’s mom. It’s believed that she drank milk from a cow who had been tainted because they ate this plant. It was often stumbled across by pioneers in the midwest who didn’t always know of it’s toxic properties. Eventually the native americans told the europeans that it was something they should stay away from. It’s known to cause violent trembles due to a type of alcohol that’s found within, known as Tremetol.Other symptoms include delirium, severe thirst, and eventually expiration. • 4. Manchineel • You might be lucky enough to see a warning sign on a manchineel tree if you’re out hiking in florida or south and central america. Each little fruit is densely packed with toxins that can be extremely irritating even if you just touch one. The sap of this tree contains what’s known as phorbol which induces an allergic dermatitis and blistering of the skin. This is particularly a hazard when it’s raining and people go under the tree for shelter. The sap is so powerful, that it can even strip paint off of cars! Sounds like it would be a good idea to park far away from these things. The smoke from a manchineel tree is also likely to cause blindness. Native in the Caribeean took notice of all the destruction this tree is capable of and used the sap on arrowheads • 3. Hemlock • Everyone knows that hemlock has been poisonous since the time of the ancient greeks and was the toxic plant given to Socrates after everyone decided that he was thinking too much. There are too varieties that can be found. One known as conium maculatum which is more commonly found in europe. The other is cicuta maculata which is even more dangerous and is found in north america. The one from europe contains a toxin known as coniine meaning and will not be a more peaceful intoxication Cases of this hemlock poisoning include numbness of the extremities followed by paralysis of the lungs and eventually the heart. Water hemlock found in north america on the other hand is a whole nother story. It’s considered to be the most toxic plant in the entire continent. Ingestion can lead to painful convulsions, cramps, tremors and even surviving afterwards can prove to have long term damage such as amnesia. Make sure your kids aren’t playing around near this stuff! • 2. Cerbera Odollam • This type of tree doesn’t really get too many nice nicknames, considering that it’s extremely toxic. Being used as a poison, it’s likely that Cerbera Odollam has the most victims on this list. The tree is more commonly found in the indian state of Kerala where it can take away an average of 50 lives per year. It apparently the taste can be hidden quite well if it’s mixed with spicy food like curry. Later on though, you might realize that it would have to be really spicy curry to do that kind of damage to your stomach! The poison was so effective, that if people were accused of a heinous crime, they would be fore to eat this wretched fruit. It contains what’s known as cerberin which is extremely toxic and will administer capital punishment after 2 hours of injestion. People report extreme diarrhea, vomiting, a horrific headache and ultimately cardiac arrest. Just one seed is all you need… • • 1...


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