How to setup Dual Monitors on Mac Mini late 2012
How to get dual displays/monitors working on a Mac Mini (late 2012) and why it isn't working. The right adapter you need to make it work. Like the video if it helped! • *******UPDATE 7/18/13******* • It was mentioned that instead of Active vs Passive, it's a Single link vs Dual Link issue; which most PC monitors need Dual Link. Which apparently 95% of the adapters out there are Active or Dual link and most monitors need Dual link, although it could still work if you monitor accepts Single link or Passive adapters. • ************************************ • Link to the Apple site, see # 10 and 11 explaining their passive adapter: • ebay DVI adapter similar to the one I bought that worked(the old link didn't work, this is from the same seller): • Hope this helps as no one could tell me at the apple store if dual screens would work and why it didn't work once I bought the mini and the first adapter.