Solid Case Protection
Supcase UB Mag XT For iPhone 15 Pro Max: • Apple USB-C Cable: • 10,000mAH Battery Bank: • MagSafe Car mounts: • MagSafe Accessories: • • Supcase UB Mag XT Pro Max Case Review • • Today we’re taking a look at the SUPCase UB Mag XT case for the iPhone 15 Pro max. This was an interesting case option, so I asked that SUPCase send this one over for review. The SUPCase UB Mag XT case is a single main body type case that provides some beefy protection with some neat features. The MAG XT case fits around the iPhone 15 Pro Max offering the thicker and stronger side, top, and bottom as well as backside protection that SUPCase is known for. We have bolstered corner protection; you can see there’s a fair bit of extra material for corner drops. The case itself also creates a bezel on the front side of the case which lifts the iPhone body up off of a flat surface. This is a helpful feature for drops on flat surfaces such as your kitchen floor, basement, or at the office. The bezels will make initial impact absorbing and redistributing some of the impact forces in order to help save your screen from cracking. The Mag XT case offers a nice grip section on the sides of the case which I think will definitely help improve grip in less-than-ideal situations. We obviously have magsafe compatibility here with the magnets placed in the middle of the backside of the case. I find this quite handy for magsafe rings and car mounts. In looking at the camera protection, there is a tried-and-true built-up camera cutout region but SUPcase also built in a dual-purpose camera door which functions as a kickstand. From the camera lens and camera protection standpoint, this is a solid door, I think it's going to hold up quite well over time. The door does require a little bit of force to move which is both good for keeping it closed when you drop your phone and for kickstand purposes. I like the dual functionality here; I always use the kickstand on my case so I can set my phones up on a desk or counter and play a video while I’m working around the house or at the office. I did test out wireless charging, no issues on my charger so that was nice to see. This case is a nice blend of the ultra-protective features that SUPcase typical offers and a little bit of a slimmer profile. It’s not quite as thick as a UB Pro case which might appeal to people looking for a slimmer smartphone experience with protection. The MAGXT case does not come with a traditional screen protector as you saw. While you can definitely roll without a screen protector it looks like there’s enough clearance for you to choose a plastic or tempered glass protector which is nice. I think that would really level up the overall protection here if that's something you might want. The case overall is solid, it's strong and looks durable and it has some good features, magsafe compatibility, the dual function camera door and kickstand, and it’s easy to hold. If you’re looking for some good protection but don't want to bulk up too much, I would definitely check this one out. I’ll have links in the description below to this case and some magsafe accessories. If you liked this one, smash that thumbs up button to let YouTube know to send this out to people who are researching cases. Get subscribed for more Smartphone and Mobile tech videos and ring the bell so YouTube actually notifies you. Until next time, Stay Charged up! • • Product or Services links in this description and in the comments section may be Affiliate links. These links help support the channel and are FREE for you to use. When you buy something through one of my Affiliate links, a small percentage is paid to the channel. This helps me reinvest in new hardware and equipment to keep making more videos and continue increasing the quality. Every bit helps so check them out! • ..