【初音ミク Hatsune Miku Append】One Way【Shouya Namai Remix】
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=4oYzysxcXPk
I'm starting to think people ignored the description of my last video. READ FOR MORE ↓↓↓ • When I wrote the description last time, I was quite serious. I need help guys. So here it is again: • One last thing. If you guys want to see some songs by other Vocaloids, please send me some suggestions via PMs. My free time is very limited, and I don't spend much time scanning albums containing other Vocaloids. So I may have missed some really good tracks. • ^ I know people have asked, and it'd be great if you guys can help out a bit. • • Now for the song. This is my second upload from the Armonia album, and features my favorite mix of One Way by Aura Qualic, who's youtube channel is found here: / auraqualic • The original mix and video is also very beautiful, and can be seen here: • 【初音ミク / Hatsune Miku】 One Way 【PV付オリジ... • If you're wondering, this song used the Sweet and Vivid Appends. • CC*=Style SERIOUSLY needs to consider overseas or digital distribution. -_- • Album Details: http://vocadb.net/Album/Details/1099 • IMAGE: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.ph...