Riding Mower Mulching Blades Review Do They Work
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Riding mower mulching blades review - do they work? If you're asking yourself this question, you're not alone. I've been wondering if mulching blades work after being disappointed by the performance of the riding mower mulching kit I got for my John Deere. It's review test time. • I finally decided to purchase a set of these aftermarket MaxPower / Gator style mulching blades to compare against factory OEM blades - both standard factory blades, and mulching factory blades. • The results of these MaxPower riding mower mulching blades were fairly good. In fact, they exceeded my exceptions given the poor results I was getting with the factory mulching blades that came with the John Deere BM21816 mulching kit on this lawn tractor. • As with all mulching blades, results will vary. The main factors that determine how well (or poorly) any mulching blades kit work, over above the blade design, are: • How long the grass is between cuts. The longer the cut grass blades are, the less likely they will get mulched up as fine as needed. • How wet the grass is. If too wet, the mulched grass blades stick together like a snow ball and leaves clumps. • How thick the lawn is. You have to cut more often or at a slower pace if you have a really thick healthy lawn. • How fast you mow. Slow your pace if clumping is noticed. • Using deck plugs helps ensure grass is chewed up more for a better/finer mulch and is blown back down into the lawn instead of sitting on top of it. • Why do I mulch my lawn? I first started mulching after moving to an acreage because bagging was just too time consuming with the amount of lawn I have to mow, not to mention where to put all the bagged grass afterward. However, after mulching for eight years now, I've found other benefits. I usually only have to fertilize once a year now which is saving time money. I don't have to water the lawn as often again saving time and money. Weeds are also down - you guessed it - saving time money. • Link to the 42 John Deere MaxPower mulching blade set I used in this video: • https://amzn.to/2ZSOexF • Other MaxPower mulching blade sets are available for different size brands of riding mower decks as well. • Video Chapter Time Index: • 0:00 Introduction • 1:34 How do mulching blades deck plugs work • 2:53 MaxPower mulching blade design vs. factory blades • 5:16 Honda pushmower mulching performance (bench mark) • 5:27 John Deere standard factory blade performance • 5:56 John Deere mulching blade performance • 6:07 Checking balancing MaxPower mulching blades • 6:50 MaxPower mulching blade performance • 7:00 Mulching blade comparisons on lawn • 9:26 Conclusion • DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting RCHelicopterFun.com my channel which helps me keep creating content. • Please consider giving a thumbs up subscribe if you enjoy my content - thank you.