Significance of quotThe Pumpquot Bodybuilding
Like / Share / Subscribe! It's all greatly appreciated! • The Pump has been a term used by bodybuilders ever since Arnold spoke so highly about it in the old days of Bodybuilding. It refers to blood volume increasing within the muscle as it requires more nutrients and oxygen. What is important to note is that the pump DOES NOT determine the effectiveness of a workout. It may feel good and look good but that is the extent of its benefits. • • • The muscle will grow as a function of progressive tension overload and getting stronger each workout. Growth comes from placing a new stimulus on the muscle NOT getting a pump. • Facebook: / 209614382438104 • Twitter: / fusarofitness • Instagram: @mattyfusaro • FusaroFitness Mailing Address: • Matty Fusaro • P.O. BOX 1746 • Rocky Point, NY 11778 • ***Message about monetization: • This is an original video made by me and I own rights to all the content. I created this video with my own camera and used the editing software by Apple Final Cut Pro X. It contains no movies or tv visuals. I own all the pictures in it. There are no video games or performances. • Outro Music • *Message about Music from LDUK • About LDUK Music • LDUK Youtube Channel - / ldukmusic • Song Title - Triangle Dreams