Shelly Cashman Word 2019 Modules 13 SAM Capstone Project 1a


Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Modules 1-3: SAM Capstone Project 1a • #assignmenthelp #homeworkhelp #essaywriting • Completing a consultant’s report • GETTING STARTED • Open the file SC_WD19_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website. #usa #australia #canada #newyorknews #unitedkingdom #universitycampus #losangeles #wyoming #economics • Save the file as SC_WD19_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”. If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically. • To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer: • Support_WD19_CS1-3a_Quotation.docx • With the file SC_WD19_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer. • You are an associate consultant for Devon Company, a major consulting firm located in Montreal, Canada, and are completing a report for a client on trends in grocery stores. At the bottom of page 1, align the tops of the Analysis and Direction pictures with the top of the Insight picture. • Change the theme colors to Green to coordinate with the company logo. • Add a shape to balance the page as follows: • Near the bottom of page 1, insert a Rectangle from the Rectangles section of the Shapes gallery. • Bring the Insight , Analysis , and Direction pictures to the front. • Resize the new rectangle to a height of 1 and a width of 6.5 . • Apply the Subtle Effect - Dark Teal, Accent 4 shape style to the rectangle. • Remove the outline from the rectangle. • Drag the rectangle so that its top edge is flush with the bottom edge of the Trends Analysis green rectangle on the page and its left and right edges are aligned with the other objects, as shown in Figure 1. • Figure 1: Position of the New Rectangle • On page 2, apply the Fill: Green, Accent color 1; Shadow text effect to the heading paragraph Overview . • Illustrate the suggested strategies for Green Market Grocery as follows: • In the blank paragraph in the Overview section, insert a Grid Matrix SmartArt from the Matrix section of the SmartArt gallery. Enter the following text in the shapes: • Upper-left shape: Local and fresh • Upper-right shape: E-commerce • Lower-left shape: Shopping and more • Lower-right shape: Meal kits • Format the SmartArt as follows to suit the appearance of the document: • Change the SmartArt colors to Colored Fill – Accent 2. • Change the SmartArt style to Subtle Effect. • Provide more detailed information about a statistic as follows: • Find the sentence Today, small producers…branded goods market. • After the period at the end of the sentence, insert a footnote with the following text: • Small producers are those ranked below the top 100 producers. • On page 3, format the picture of the grocery store as follows to improve its appearance: • Flip the picture vertically so that it appears with the correct orientation. • Resize the picture to a width of 6 . • Format the paragraphs in the Online Grocery Shopping section as follows: • Create a bulleted list beginning with the paragraph Add online shopping and delivery services. and ending with the paragraph In-house farmers markets . • Increase the indent of the paragraphs Fresh and prepared foods , Specialty and local brands , Cooking demonstrations , and In-house farmers markets by one level. • Draw and format a text box as follows to include a quotation about online grocery shopping: Draw a text box to the right of the paragraph While investing…realm of grocery store offerings. in the Online Grocery Shopping section. • Resize the text box to a height of 1.6 and a width of 2.5 . • Position the text box using the Bottom Right with Square Text Wrapping option. • Copy and paste the paragraph in the document Support_WD19_CS1-3a_Quotation.docx into the new text box. • Apply the Colored Outline, Green, Accent 1 shape style to the text box. • Apply the Offset: Center shadow from the Outer section of the Shadow Shape Effects gallery. On page 4, copy the formatting from the text Dining to the text Payment services to use consistent font formats in the In-Store Experiences section. • Insert a Continuous section break in each of the following locations on page 4 to prepare for inserting columns and balancing them: • At the beginning of the paragraph Along with addressing…physical stores. • At the beginning of the Subscription Meal Kits heading paragraph • Format the section you created (beginning Along with addressing… and ending …particular product traveled. ) into two columns. • Format the picture of the meal kit as follows to improve its layout on the page: • #assignment #assignment #assignmenthelp #ShellyCashmanWord2019 | Modules 1-3: SAM Capstone Project 1a • #SAMCapstoneProject1a #modules #homeworkhelp #thesiswriting #studyhelp #essay #essaywriting #paperwriting #onlineassignmenthelp


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