Counting Calories with a Ballerina
Behind the elegance of ballet dancer Theresa Farrell is an athlete to the core. In this episode of FUEL, we follow Theresa as she drops half a pound a week, working towards her performance goal weight for the upcoming ballet season with American Contemporary Ballet in Los Angeles, CA. • Theresa has honed her diet down to a science by keeping meticulous records, eating pre-packaged meals, and doing lots and lots of calculations – for her it’s a simple numbers game of calories in versus calories out. This precise calorie counting gives her the peace of mind to maintain her focus on training and long days of dancing, hiking, stretching, and icing. Whether she’s having a midnight bowl of cereal or a 5 A.M. corndog, Theresa has it all calculated, so when it’s time to take the stage, she knows that her body will be ready. • Subscribe to Munchies here: • Check out for more! • Follow Munchies here: • Facebook: / munchies • Twitter: / munchies • Tumblr: / munchies • Instagram: / munchiesvice • Pinterest: / munchies • Foursquare: • More videos from the VICE network: