WYSIATI artwork by OIANA
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5512Cu8iEkc
this new collection of songs features some fine artwork made in cyanotype by OIANA • Since the very first EP (EGRESS) I knew that someday I’d like to work with cyanotype and have that process represent the music visually. • Cyanotype is one of the earliest forms of printing/photography developed by John Herschel. Essentially, ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide when combined become sensitive to UV light. This solution is laid on a piece of paper which is left to dry. After that, whatever is put between the sun (UV light) and the paper gets printed onto the paper. The chemicals are rinsed off with water, fixing the print. • The process is intimately tied to the environment around you. The same exact piece would look different under the winter Sun in Aveiro and the summer Sun in Pico Island. Even the same sun in different times of day/year would yield a different result. • So. You get one take, and the result is always different. Do it, move on. Enso field, am I right Phil ? • Like any craft, there’s layers - and the more you dive into it, the more you know that you know nothing (what you see is RARELY all there is) • Ana though is at the top of the game - she experiments with algae, salty solutions, different formats, types of paper and sunlight. The result is ALWAYS remarkable. For a long time I obsessed over her prints and each time she sent me a piece I’d get thrown into a path of indecisiveness. • There will be a lot more of these prints coming on the next months, but for now go check her work here: / oiana_lab • ~ WYSIATI, a maxi-single by himalion is available everywhere ~