Stability Disc Exercises Ask Doctor Jo


A stability disc (aka wobble cushion or balance disc) is a great way to work on your balance for your core, shoulders, and legs. You can use it in so many ways to help regain your balance and strengthen your smaller muscle groups. Purchase the stability disc featured in this video at • If you have a weak core or bad sitting balance, you can use the stability disc to sit on and work on your balance. This can be used for children and adults. Put the disc on a chair or flat sitting area, and sit on it. For some people, you might have to use your hands for balance or even have someone help steady you. It is almost like a modified version of sitting on a swiss/stability ball. Once you sit on it, you can shift back and forth side to side. Then have someone push slightly on your shoulders so you have to keep that balance. You can also reach forward and to the side while keeping your balance. • Now you will stand up to work on your standing balance. Make sure you have a chair or something sturdy to hold onto because this can be very challenging. It also makes a difference of how much air you have in it, and the more air, the harder to balance. Start off by simply standing on the disc. This might be challenging enough for you until you get use to it. Then you can shift your body from side to side, and even front to back. • If those become easy, you can try balancing on one foot. The ankle will be moving a lot to try to get that balance, and that is pretty normal. Again, start off with holding onto something for balance and safety. • Now get on the ground for some higher level core work. Put the disc slightly below your mid back, and lie down on it in a sit up position. This will make your core work harder because of the instability of the disc and you can do a deeper sit up. • Next you will move the disc up to about at shoulder level. This time you will do a bridge. Make sure you go slow, and when coming up and down, go one segment of your spine at a time. Then roll over into a modified push up position. Put both knees on the disc, and do a push up. Finally, you will do a full push up with the discs at your hands. This one is really difficult, and you shouldn’t try until you have mastered all the others. • Related Videos: • Swiss Ball Core Back Strengthening Exercises (Basic): •    • Swiss Ball Core   Back Strengthening ...   • Exercise Ball Core and Back Strengthening Exercises (Moderate): •    • Exercise Ball Core and Back Strengthe...   • =========================================== • SUBSCRIBE for More Videos: • • ======================================= • Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. • •   / askdoctorjo   •   / askdoctorjo   •   / askdoctorjo   •   / askdoctorjo   • • ======================================= • Stability Disc Exercises: •    • Stability Disc Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo   • PRODUCT PLACEMENT DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to King Athletic for providing Doctor Jo with a free Stability Disc to use. • DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.


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