Somatic Meditation For Chronic Pain
► Watch Next: Why Your Anxiety Isn't Going Away: • Why Your Anxiety Isn't Going Away • This somatic meditation for chronic pain helps with pain relief and healing at the nervous system level. • Note: this content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. • Watch These Next: • ► Somatic Meditation To Release Trauma Stored In The Body: • Somatic Meditation To Release Trauma ... • ► Morning Back Pain After Sleeping | Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Wake Up? • Morning Back Pain After Sleeping | Wh... • Resources: • ► Get instant access to the Pain Free At Any Age Course (free course): • ► Join 19,484+ professionals reading my weekly newsletter: • ► Download The No More Tight Muscles Guide: • ► Find my favorite tools to rewire yourself for greater health, happiness and success here: • Affiliate links used where possible! • -- Somatic Meditation For Chronic Pain -- • Chronic pain is one of the most frustrating conditions a person can encounter in their life. • The fact is, our medical system is poorly equipped to diagnose and treat chronic pain. • Why? • Well, you might think it has to do with a lack of research, or maybe that we don’t have the right tools and technology. • Or maybe doctors can’t treat chronic pain because there simply isn’t a solution -- chronic pain is just a part of everybody’s life, especially as we all get older. • But actually… • Our medical system does poorly with chronic pain not because we don’t have the right resources, but because of our world view. • You see, worldview is EVERYTHING. • How you see a problem determines how you go about fixing it. • And unfortunately, our medical system sees pain -- chronic or otherwise -- as a “body problem.” • i.e. something is broken at the body level. • Your muscles are too tight… so they prescribe muscle relaxers. • Your nerves are inflamed… so they prescribe painkillers. • Your spine is crooked… so they do surgery to fix it. • The problem is… • Most cases of pain -- lower back pain, in particular -- are “non-specific,” meaning not connected to any diagnosable disease or pathology. • According to spinal surgeon Dr. David Hanscom, doctors actually can only pinpoint the cause of pain about 15% of the time. • That means that 85% of pain cases are idiopathic -- we have no idea what’s causing them. • Of course, this is because, like I said, doctors are looking at the BODY for answers, instead of considering the NERVOUS SYSTEM. • It turns out that stress stored in your nervous system not only causes pain, but can make you more sensitive to pain signals. • Which means… • The more pain you have, the more pain you feel. • This awful loop just keeps happening -- UNLESS you do something to disrupt it. • That’s where somatic meditation comes in. • Somatic meditation -- unlike traditional forms of mindfulness meditation -- focuses on sensory awareness in your body. • This disrupts pain signals by sending what’s called “non-nociceptive data” to your brain -- information that says “it’s safe to move here.” • When done frequently, somatic meditation effectively calms your nervous system, healing stress and trauma that has resulted from accidents, injuries and emotional shock. • The result is less pain and tension in your body -- but also reduced stress and anxiety overall. • Check out this guided somatic meditation for chronic pain to start your journey toward pain relief and healing at the nervous system level. • Be sure and leave me a comment to let me know how you felt after doing this meditation! • #SomaticMeditation #ChronicPain #Neuroplasticity #SukieBaxter • DISCLOSURE: This video description may include affiliate links. I often review or link to products services that I find useful and recommend to help you along your journey. Wherever possible, I use affiliate referral links, which means that if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission or other compensation. • I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. • Read our complete Disclosure at: • MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) cannot and does not contain medical/health advice. The medical/health information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. We do not provide any kind of medical/health advice. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS CONTENT IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Read our full YouTube Disclaimer at: