3000 Grafts FUE Hair Transplant Dr Michalis Crown
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Dr. Michalis the medical director of http://www.hairtransplant-drmichalis.com has been offering professional hair transplant since 2003. In most things he has been trained by the well-known hair surgeon Dr. John Cole USA - Atlanta. • In this case Dr. Michalis and his team transplanted 3000 Grafts with FUE Hair Restoration (Note: In this case the patient`s anyway was wearing the hair very short. But as you can read below with Dr. Michalis there is never a need to shave the head and the hair in the recipient area can always let be long). • Dr. Michalis offers FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT Hair Transplant in the head office in Nicosia Cyprus and additional in his clinic in Barcelona in Spain. • In both clinics Nicosia - Cyprus and Barcelona - Spain he offers Hair Transplant without the need of shaving the recipient site or shaving the whole head. • Worldwide more and more people in the internet searching for FUE or FUT Hair Restoration without the need of shaving or so called „Non Shaven“ or „Unshaven“ Hair Transplant. The reason that many patients are not really happy with the idea if a shaving would be absolutely needed is that the most patients want return to everyday life quickly and that it`s not possible for anybody to see traces of the haar transplant. • In this topic Dr. Michalis in Spain (Barcelona) and Nicosia (Cyprus) can help with a Unshaven and Non shaven FUE - FUT (Strip) Hair transplant. • In no case there is a need for Dr. Michalis to shave the recipient area (neither for FUE nor for FUT). • As a result, Dr. Michalis Geourgiou can ALWAYS avoid shaving of the recipient area (shaving head) and it is much easier to return to everyday life • Dr. Michalis has huge experience to transplant Grafts into long hair e.g. not to shave the recipient area and has been doing so for many years. • ------------- • Dr. Michalis der medizinische Direktor von http://www.hairtransplant-drmichalis.com bietet seit 2003 professionelle Haartransplantation an. In den meisten Fällen wurde er von dem bekannten Haarchirurgen Dr. John Cole USA - Atlanta ausgebildet. • Dr. Michalis bietet FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) und FUT Haarverpflanzung in der Zentrale in Nicosia Zypern und zusätzlich in seiner Klinik in Barcelona in Spanien. • In beiden Kliniken Nicosia - Zypern und Barcelona - Spanien bietet er Haartransplantation ohne Rasur des Empfangsbereichs an.