Radical Regeneration with Andrew Harvey

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https://consciouslivingradio.org/ • Join Tasha Simms as she speaks with Andrew Harvey, Founder and Director of The Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization focused • on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability. • Andrew Harvey is an internationally renowned religious scholar, writer, teacher, and the author of more than 30 books. The founder and director of the Institute for Sacred Activism, he lives in Chicago, Illinois. • Radical Regeneration • Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker explore how Sacred Activism--specifically, creative, wise, sacredly inspired action--offers an antidote to the crises facing our world. They show how the global dark night is part of an evolutionary process and how its very intensity makes it the potential seedbed of a new embodied, divine humanity. • Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants. • • Website(s) Link: https://www.andrewharvey.net/ • Facebook Profile:   / andrewharveynet   • YouTube Profile:    / @andrewharveysacredactivism   • “Radical Regeneration” means that the global crisis is not asking us to simply “make things better” or invent new ways of living. It is demanding that we surrender to a transformation so radical that we become a new variety of the human species. • What do you mean by “birthing the new human”? • In the book we write about the “planetary rite of passage” that humanity is currently experiencing. By working with, rather than resisting this process, we have the opportunity to birth an entirely new humanity. • What is the meaning of the “wetiko” virus? • Borrowing from our friend and colleague, Paul Levy, who published Dispelling Wetiko, and Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World, and who also writes one of the forewords of our book, we examine the Wetiko “disease” that has infected the human species and offer tools for its healing and transformation. • Why did you write Return To Joy and how is that related to the global crisis? • We wrote Return to Joy to differentiate between happiness and joy in a world that has confused the two. Happiness is circumstantial and comes and goes depending on life events. Joy is the true nature of reality at the core of our being and must be accessed and savored as we navigate our planetary rite of passage. Joy is deepened and embodied as we focus on meaning and purpose. • One section of the quartet has to do with the book you wrote “Saving Animals From Ourselves.” Where do animals fit in to the global crisis? • Animals are the most innocent and vulnerable victims of humanity’s plunder of planet Earth. Saving Animals from Ourselves focuses on our own animal nature and what our animal siblings can teach us about ourselves and the ecosystems as we navigate humanity’s rite of passage. • You wrote the last book in the quartet, Radical Regeneration, during the global pandemic. How did that influence your writing? • Our writing was enormously influenced by the pandemic which caused us to deeply contemplate the potential extinction of our species and how the pandemic was a pivotal aspect of humanity’s rite of passage. • The two of you, Andrew and Carolyn, have very different writing styles and backgrounds. How did that influence your writing four books together? • Our collaboration has been a marriage of differing styles that exemplifies the integration of opposites that we so often articulate in our writing. Andrew’s style is mystical and poetic whereas my style is straightforward, incisive, and unambiguous. Being able to weave our divergent styles together has been a gift to us as well as to the reader. • You are both “gay elders” and in fact have a short series on You Tube called “Elderspeak.” How is your background as gay elders relevant to your books? • Radical Regeneration is undaunted and emboldened. As we stepped further into elderhood, we became less concerned with acquiescence and more pre-occupied with speaking our truth. Our life experiences have imbued us with the courage to move beyond the constraints of asking for either permission or forgiveness. • What do you mean by Sacred Activism, and how does one become a Sacred Activist? • As Andrew has articulated in his book The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism, sacred activism is a marriage of spirituality and activism. Without a spiritual path, the activist may become egotistical and devoid of inspiration, resulting in burnout and despair. Without a passion for healing a broken world, an individual who follows only their spiri


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