Super Metroid Soundtrack 8bit


0:00 Opening • 1:46 Theme of Super Metroid • 5:13 Crateria (Arrival) • 8:02 Crateria (The Space Pirates Appear) • 11:40 Item Room • 12:37 Brinstar (Overgrown with Vegetation Area) • 16:09 Vs. Spore Spawn, Botwoon • 18:23 Brinstar (Red Soil Swamp Area) • 22:48 Tension (Chozo Statue Awakens) • 24:04 Vs. Kraid, Crocomire, Phantoon • 25:05 Norfair (Hot Lava Area) • 27:26 Theme of Samus Aran, Galactic Warrior • 31:24 Wrecked Ship • 36:00 Maridia (Rocky Underwater Area) • 38:42 Maridia (Driftings Sands Area) • 42:43 Norfair (Ancient Ruins Area) • 47:07 Vs. Ridley, Torizo, Draygon • 48:31 Mysterious Statue Chamber • 50:17 Tourian • 54:10 Tension (Kraid's Lair, Tourian) • 55:25 Vs. Mother Brain • 57:46 Ending • There it is, the entire Super Metroid soundtrack covered with the 2A03 + VRC6 chips! Let me explain some stuff that you might want to know: • Where can I download the individual tracks? • You can download them here, along with the album artwork: • What am I listening to? • The sounds you hear are from the 2A03 and VRC6 chips. 2A03 is the chip that the NES and Famicom use to create sound. VRC6 is an expansion chip made by Konami which allows for some extra sound channels. Unfortunately this expansion chip wasn't able to be used by the NES, only by the Famicom. So in short, you are listening to the Super Metroid Soundtrack as if it was played by a Famicom. • Is this what it could have sounded like on Famicom? • I'm not exactly clear on the specifics, but yes. The software I make this in (Famitracker) allows you to export the music in such a way that you can actually load it in Famicom emulators! I don't think this music could have played along with an actual game, seeing as I use some pretty big samples at times. These would have taken up too much space. I also added some fade-ins and stereo sound for a better listening experience. Neither of these two things are possible on the system, so they will sound a little bit different. • Is this what it would have sounded like on Famicom? • Probably not. Some of the techniques used here are pretty unconventional, such as making the volume of the triangle channel lower. I also tried to emulate the moody, atmospheric tone of the Super Metroid soundtrack, which is quite uncommon for NES/Famicom music. Chiptune is usually more punchy with it's sound design. • Why didn't you include some pieces? • Some of the pieces that are often considered 'part' of the soundtrack felt more like sound effects to me. For example, the Ceres Space Station one. I also think the Escape theme is more or less just the Boss Battle 1 theme with an alarm added. Same goes for the added rain sounds for Crateria (Arrival) and for the industrial sounds for the Wrecked Ship (Active)! I also didn't include the jingles. • Original Composers: Kenji Yamamoto Minako Hamano • Cover made by Loeder • Chips used: 2A03 VRC6 • ============SOCIAL======================= • Follow me on Twitter!   / loedermusic   • ============OTHER======================= • Please consider crediting me if you'd like to use this music in your works! • ============SPECIAL THANKS============== • Music made with j0CC-Famitracker. (Famitracker is made by jsf, 0CC-Famitacker is made by HertzDevil and j0CC-Famitracker is made by nyanpasu64) • Visuals made with NSFPlay (maintained by Brad Smith AKA rainwarrior) and NSFPlay synthesia (made by Timothy Stiles AKA Patashu) • The NES and Famicom are property of Nintendo. The soundchips for these systems are manufactured by Ricoh, Famicom, Namco Nintendo and Sunsoft. • Thanks to all of these people and companies for making this possible!


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