Miss Universe INDONESIA 2018 Evening Gown by Anazoffical
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5AzgwqzuKlc
🍂Anaphalis Javanica🍂 • —————————— • An evening dress with golden nuances takes the theme inspired by the beauty of edelweiss flowers that grow in the mountains savannah of Java. • Edelweiss flowers as a symbol of immortality and beauty are symbolized by a sprinkling of crystals and pearls that add elegance to the evening gown. • . • @soniafergina @officialputeriindonesia @missuniverse . • Gown @anazoffcial • . • #puteriindonesia #missuniverse2018 #missuniverseindonesia #missuniverserse #anaz #anazgown #anazofficial #eveninggown