Gemma Nero To your grave I spoke
Recently I watched the entire series and fell inlove with Gemma Nero! They were so adorable together, but at the end all the lies and secrets caught up to Gemma. So this is my first try at making a video about them. There will be more coming that's for sure! Hope you guys like it. • The plot of the video is similar to what happened in SoA (contains spoilers): • At the beginning, when Nero is at the graveyard he senses something bad is going to happen to Gemma. Gemma and Tara fight constantly, then Tara fakes the abortion. Gemma learns Tara wants to take the kids away, so she tells Jax, but then goes herself to his house and sees Tara there. Things get heated up and Gem kills Tara in a state of rage. Jax learns the truth about Tara's murder and goes after his mum. At the end poor Nero suffers for his lost love. • Song: • Broken Iris - A New Hope • Twitter: • / donnadobreva • Facebook: • Donna Dobreva • Tumblr: • / doniubfan • No copyrights infringement intended