Disney Villains in their Native Languages part 4 shorts
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Bl9BczfQPg
#DisneyVillains singing in their Native Languages (part 4) • Let us enjoy the comments until YT decides this video is for not-quite-adults on our behalf and closes everything off. After that, feel free to leave your comments under the video Disney Villains in their Native Languages on my channel, or you can find this same reel on my insta flamsparks . • Thx YT, thx. We hate it. • Info about the languages I chose (for a more detailed explanation, check out the related video): • 🏴☠️ #Hook: it’s clearly shown in the movie that the story takes place in London. Btw, did you know that in its first apparition, #Neverland is located on an island in the middle of a lake at Kensington Gardens, in London? • #HansConried • 🐚 #Ursula: official #Disney franchise (see my videos for detailed sources) states the story takes place in the Mediterranean Sea, and since Triton is a god from the Greek pantheon, Greek seems like the logic choice to me for merpeople. • Please, note that this video is about Disney’s movies, not the stories behind them. Yes, the tale is originally Danish, but just like Elsa is not Danish, or Tiana is not German, Disney’s Little Mermaid is not Danish either. Please, understand that this is how folk tales work: they are told and re-told countless times, changing and gaining new traits as they go. Yes, this story comes originally from a Danish tale, and no one will ever take that away from The Little Mermaid • #ManouélaMoustakopoúlou #ΜανουέλαΜουστακοπούλου • ❄️ #Hans: though #Frozen is set in Norway, Hans is said to come from a kingdom called “of the southern isles”. And guess what is south of Norway and has an archipelago of about 406 (four-hundred-six!) islands? Yep. Denmark • #ChristianLund • @ChristianLund • 🐮 #AlamedaSlim: the location is specified in the movie • #RandyQuaid • 🪞 #Gaston: in case the movie didn’t make it clear enough for you, official Disney franchise (see my videos for detailed sources) states the story takes place in France • #FrançoisLeRoux • @francoisleroux9100 • #flamsparks #DisneyNativeLanguage #multilanguage #internationaldubbings #internationaldubbing #dubbing #dubbings #PeterPan #LittleMermais #TheLittleMermaid #TLM #HomeOnTheRange #BeautyAndTheBeast