Talk show with ProfMM sufiyan ZHC Principal Imranmintoee amu humanityfirst education


Talk show with Prof.M.M sufiyan ZHC Principal ‎@Imranmintoee  #amu #humanityfirst #education • ZAKIR HUSAIN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY • HomeCollegesZakir Husain College Of Engineering And TechnologyHome Page • Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology • In line with the vision of the founder of the university, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, The Zakir Husain College of Engineering Technology has always stood for peaceful co-existence, academic excellence and scientific temper. The vision and Mission of the institute are as under • To become an institute of excellence in scientific technical education and research with standards at par with national and international institutes of repute and to serve as quality human resource provider to the society and industry. • To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes. • To make policies and atmosphere to attract and retain best faculty. • To create an ambience in which new ideas and cutting-edge research flourish through effective curriculum and infrastructure so as to produce the leaders elevated human resource to serve mankind. • To undertake collaborative projects and consultancy for long term interaction with the academia and industry. • To be among top ten engineering institutes of India. • ABOUT THE INSTITUTE • The Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology (ZHCET) was established in 1935, as a constituent college of the Aligarh Muslim University. The College has a land area of 113 acres and a built-up area of 22960 sq.m. The College's excellence was identified out of the 400 institutions across the country and was put in the list of seven selected Institutions to be upgraded to the level of IIT. It has been ranked 21st by the India Today among India's Best Engineering College 2015 . The college has also been ranked 35th in the Top Engineering Colleges 2015 by Outlook India. • The Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology has 11 Departments of studies. Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Departments are offering B.Tech/B.E.(Evening)/M.Tech. and Ph.D. programs. Electronics, Computer, Chemical Petroleum Studies are offering B.Tech/M.Tech. and Ph.D. programs. Department of Architecture is offering B.Arch. Remaining three Departments (Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry and Applied Mathematics) are support Departments offering M.Tech./M.Phil./Ph.D. programs. • All the seven B.Tech. programs offered were accredited for full 5 years in 2009 and re-accredited for full 5 years again by NBA in 2016. Six M.Tech. programs have also received accreditation, while eight more M.Tech. programs have applied for the same. • With adequately numbered and highly qualified Members of the Faculty, the College enjoys an impressive Student - Teacher ratio of 10:1. The College has an overall placement record of almost 84% for the last 5 years. During the last 5 years, our Faculty Members have published 15 books and 1660 technical papers, filed 54 patents, organized 68 Workshops and Conferences, carried out a consultancy work worth Rs. 4.75 Crores. The ongoing project funding is worth Rs. 9.31 crores. In addition, we have received a TEQIP-II grant of Rs. 15 crores from NPIU. • A special feature of the College is its residential character. Most of the staff and students reside on the campus. ZHCET has three halls of residence; two for male students and one for female students, viz. Sir Shah Sulaiman Hall (for boys, Intake-654), NadeemTarin Hall (for boys, Intake-401), Bibi Fatima Hall (for girls, Intake-130). A Hall of Residence is a cluster of hostels administered by a Provost and a number of teacher - wardens. Recreation facilities like sports games, Reading room, TV room, Wi-Fi etc. The medical facilities to all students are free of cost. Outside referral is borne up to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs per student.AMU has 4 different centres for medical facilities, viz. University Health Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Dr. Z. A. Dental College, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College. Ambulances are available 24x7 for any emergency. • The College Library was established in 1938 in the area of around 1000sq.m. It has air-conditioned reading rooms and runs in two shifts. Apart from main library of college, all departments have their own libraries/ seminars. The Book bank section was started in 1964 and it provides books on hire basis to all students. The Library is a member of INDEST Consortium funded by AICTE. The Library is fully automated. It has a Stack and Circulation with 1,75,550 Books, the Book Bank Section with another 1,07,400 Books. The Periodical Section has 68 Periodicals, 313 E-Journals through INDEST, 32 e-books of different subjects, NPTEL Audio Video Lectures. It also subscribes E-Resources through INFONET and J-gate funded by UGC. • The campus is provided with round the clock wi-fi facility. The Internet Providers are National Knowledge Network (NKN) and RailTel Corporation of India Limited. The total Available Bandwidth is 2GBps (1 GBps from


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