Flamma FX200 Quick Setup Metal
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Dsac4ZNDAo
What's up everyone long time no see. @FlammaInnovation was kind enough to send over the brand new FX 200 for me to try out after the success of my first video. • Here I will be talking about how I get a Metal tone completely from scratch in less time. The update is huge in comparison to its smaller counterpart. The touch screen really helps dial in tones easily and is a great competitor to the multiFX world. • I hope you enjoy this video. • Derryl Vi uses the following exclusively: • Solar Guitars: https://www.solar-guitars.com • Iron Age Guitar Picks: https://ironageaccessories.com • Mooer Audio: http://www.mooeraudio.com/ • Skull Strings: http://www.skullstrings.com/ • Guptech: https://guptech.ca/ Use: OURFRIENDDERRYL10 for 10% off • Social Media: • / derrylviguitarist • / derrylvi • Music: • • https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/vi... • https://open.spotify.com/artist/33smw... • https://viofficial.bandcamp.com/