How to Build a Balsa Glider 12quot Sandpiper Part 2
Build your very own Sandpiper 12 Balsa Glider! • Nighthawk Gliders has revealed their secret sauce in making a great Catapult Launch Glider (CLG). Learn how to make one for yourself in this 3 part series. • Build Kits and Plans are available! • • In this video (Part 2) you will learn how to sand the Wing, Fuselage, and Tail. • Hey, look! Here are links to all 3 videos-- how handy is that? • (Part 1) • How to Build a Balsa Glider - 12 San... • (Part 2) • How to Build a Balsa Glider - 12 San... • (Part 3) • How to Build a Balsa Glider - 12 San... • Launching Tips: • (1) Launch upwards at an angle (pitch) higher than 45%. You'll have to experiment with what works best for your glider. • (*DO NOT launch with wings parallel to the ground unless you prefer to stall the plane dramatically and watch it crash and burn-- just sayin'*) • (2) If you are right-handed, hold glider 45-90 degrees rotated (rolled) to the right before launching. If you are left-handed, you have a very creative mind and I'm sure you can figure out how to reverse this instruction. • (*DO NOT launch with wings parallel to the ground unless you prefer the glider do a big loop and bury itself inside the back of your skull... yeah, not pretty!*) • (3) It is preferred to launch with goggles-- If you poke one eye out, you can at least watch your glider fly, but just not in awesome 3D. If you poke both your eyes out then you can no longer enjoy all that is glorious that makes a Nighthawk Glider sail the skies so majestically. (Hey, at least you can't say I didn't warn you!) • (*DO NOT launch with wings parallel to the ground unless you prefer to dive bomb some of your curious spectators at the park, get sued when someone gets hurt, and then spend the rest of your allowance on someone's medical compensation! How can you buy balsa if you have no more money?!? Do the math, son*) • (4) What about a catapult launcher? Oh yeah, I didn't show you how to make one. Well, you're on your own there. Try some 1/8 inch thick rubber and tie it in a loop at the end of a 6-8 inch stick-- Viola! (Hey, I didn't say that was rocket science, did I?) Oh, you're too stubborn to make one? Well, ok, smarty pants, it looks like you are a proud owner of a homemade HLG (Hand Launch Glider) now, aren't you? • (*Did I say this already? DO NOT launch with wings parallel to the ground! We'll hear me now and believe me later... JUST DON'T!*) • (5) Beware of thermals!!! Yeah... it'll happen to you, too, someday! It will be a bittersweet moment, I guarantee you that! • If you build one, please post a video of it flying and and let us know about it in the comments. We would love to see it! • Enjoy flight and enjoy life, my friends! • #NighthawkGliders • #Sandpiper • #CatapultGliders