Fallout 4 Settlement Project 2018 GREENTOP NURSERY hippie settlement
Welcome to Greentop Nursery, the fifth narrated tour of my 2018 Fallout 4 Settlement Project! • My goal is to eventually build ALL settlements on one savefile, but not sure the game can handle it. Or my sanity, whichever goes first... • My aim is to build lore-friendly immersive detailed and often themed settlements. The mods I use are mostly vanilla assets that blend with the rest of the game. I extend the build limit as much as I need over time but stay within the vanilla boundaries. I also do not scrap them clean. I only move trees and cars around sometimes. I enjoy the challenge of working with what the game gives me, even if it means the occasional eye-sore building that clashes with what I had in mind. ;) • I have 9 completed settlements so far that I will upload as soon as I can manage. • These are: - Red Rocket trailer community with cinema and bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNUF3... • Graygarden: a robot only farming facility with skybar on the highway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ErS... • Coastal Cottage (Mercer Safehouse) with synth settlers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8RpU... • Taffington Boathouse: Family estate with small fish farm • • Fallout 4 Settlement Project 2018 - T... • Sunshine Tidings: Tinker town with factories and a tiny fireworks contraption • Murkwater: A supermutant settlement • Bunker Hill: Trading hub revamped • Home Plate: Family themed player base • I'm currently working on The Slog, it's almost done. Then also Hangman's Alley as a place for (ex) raiders and other drifters. But it's a bit on hold for the time being. Mostly because I'm ALSO working on Spectacle Island which will feature a radstag colony, chickens, rabbits, tree houses, beach campers and boat dwellers. Other ideas for the future: A rust devil settlement (probably Warwick Homestead), a ghoul trading post. Maybe a Child of Atom town somewhere... • Full mod list: • https://de.scribd.com/document/369023...