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✔️📚Short, Practical and Simple. • #Langman Embryology #Medicine #Veterinary #Kinesiology #Biology #Genitals #Embryonic Development #Embryology • I hope it helps you! • ⌚Time stamps: • 0:00 Welcome • 0:14 Genital System • 1:47 Male Gonada • 2:54 Female Gonada • 3:38 Genital Ducts • 7:18 External genitalia • 9:22 Descent of the Testicles • 10:35 Descent of the Ovaries • 10:54 Anomalies • —————————————————————————————— • 🚀Playlist HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY 👶 ✅ • ● https://bit.ly/EmbriologiaHumana • —————————————————————————————— • 🤩Subscribe in the link below 👇: • ● https://bit.ly/VideosMedicina • —————————————————————————————— • 👨💼Commercial contact • ● [email protected] • —————————————————————————————— • 💰 Donations (Support to improve my content): • ● https://bit.ly/YoApoyoTuCanal • —————————————————————————————— • 🙏THANK YOU FOR WATCHING MY VIDEOS🙏 • Bibliography: • Netter Atlas of Embriology • Langman Embryology 13th Edition • Moore Embryology 8th edition • Human embryology and developmental biology Carlson 4th edition • Human Embryology Armando Valdez • SUMMARY • The genital system is made up of (1) gonads or primitive sex glands, (2) genital ducts, and (3) external genitalia. All three components go through an undifferentiated phase in which they can develop as male or female structures. The SRY gene on the Y chromosome • encodes the testicular determining factor and regulates male sexual development. The genes distal to the SRY are SOX9 and SF1, which stimulate the differentiation of Sertoli and Leydig cells in the testes. SRY expression causes (1) the development of the medullary cords (testes), (2) the formation of the tunica albuginea, and (3) prevents the development of the cortical (ovarian) cords. • The undifferentiated duct system and external genitalia develop under the influence of hormones. During the undifferentiated phase, there are two ductal systems: the mesonephric duct and the paramesonephric duct. Testosterone, synthesized by Leydig cells in the testes, stimulates the development of the mesonephric ducts to give rise to the efferent ducts, the epididymis, the vas deferens, and the ejaculatory duct. Müller's inhibitory substance (MIS; also called anti-Müllerian hormone [AMH]) is synthesized by Sertoli cells in the testes and induces regression of the paramesonephric ducts. Dihydrotestosterone stimulates the development of the external genitalia, including the penis and scrotum. Estrogens (combined with the absence of testosterone) regulate the development of the paramesonephric ducts, which form the uterine tubes, the uterus, the cervix, and the upper segment of the vagina. Because there is no synthesis of testosterone to stimulate the development of the mesonephric ducts, these structures regress. Estrogens also stimulate the differentiation of the external genitalia, including the clitoris, labia, and lower vagina. Errors in the synthesis or sensitivity to hormones in the testes determine a predominance of female characteristics under the influence of maternal and placental estrogens. • The genitalia also begin to form in an undifferentiated phase. On the outside of the pelvic floor, a genital tubercle, two genital bumps, and two cloacal folds are initially formed. When the urorectal septum reaches into this floor to separate the anal canal from the primitive urogenital sinus (which will soon form the bladder), the cloacal folds begin to be called the urethral folds. In the male, the genital tubercle grows and is called the phallus. As it elongates, it pulls the urethral folds together, and they fuse to form the shaft of the penis. Meanwhile, the genital prominences grow to form the scrotal bumps, which also coalesce and fuse in the midline. In women, the genital tubercle gives rise to the clitoris, the urethral folds to the labia minora, and the genital bumps to the labia majora. Note that in women there is no fusion of the primordial structures. Similarly, note the analogous structures in the two sexes: penis / clitoris and scrotum / labia majora.