Normal Lymph Node Anatomy Lymph Node shorts radiology lymphnodes
Normal Lymph Node Anatomy | Lymph Node #shorts #radiology #lymphnodes • • • • • The lymph nodes (commonly shortened to nodes, and known as nodus lymphoideus in TA 4) collectively form one of the secondary lymphoid organs. • Gross anatomy • Macroscopically, a normal lymph node is a small ellipsoid structure, approximately 0.1 to 2.5 cm in maximal length 2,3. Nodes often possess a reniform morphology, due to an indentation in their sides named the hilum, where their blood vessels pass in and out, as well as the draining efferent lymphatic vessel 1-3. Nodes lie in clusters adjacent to the lymphatic vessels throughout the body, which both feed and drain the nodes 3. • Each node is macroscopically divided into a peripheral cortex and central medulla. • The prenodal collecting or afferent lymphatics pass into the node through its capsule, and not at its hilum, and drain into the subcapsular sinus, a contiguous space extending around the periphery of the node (only interrupted by the hilum). From here, the lymph drains via the radially-arranged trabecular (cortical) sinuses into the central medullary sinuses (lymphatic cords), which then coalesce to emerge at the hilum as the postnodal collecting or efferent lymphatic vessel(s). • • • • • lymph nodes,anatomy,lymph node,lymph node anatomy,lymph,axillary lymph nodes anatomy,neck lymph nodes,swollen lymph nodes,lymph node anatomy model,lymph nodes function,lymph node drainage,lymphatic system anatomy,lymph node drainage anatomy,mediastinal lymph node anatomy,lymph node anatomy and physiology,inguinal lymph nodes,lymph nodes dr berg,lymph nodes and immune system,how lymph nodes work,painful lymph nodes,types of lymph nodes • • • #lymphnodesanatomyandphysiology #lymphnodesanatomyشرح #lymphnodesanatomyinhindi #lymphnodesanatomyjoharimbbs #lymphnodesanatomynotes #lymphnodesanatomynotes #lymphnodesanatomymalayalam #lymphaticnodesanatomy #lymphnodeanatomymodel #lymphnodeanatomyanimation #lymphnodesdiagram #axillarylymphnodesanatomy #cervicallymphnodesanatomy #inguinallymphnodesanatomy #axillarylymphnodesanatomyjoharimbbs • #shortsfeed • #shortstrending • #radiology #biology #learningradiology