How to catch bees Tamil Manjari Honey


*Kindly wear bee suites to avoid stings from bees while catching swarm of bees. • “Swarm of bees” refers to a specific biological mechanism, the bees employ for the purpose of propagating their species. When a colony of bees becomes large and rich in honey, they divide in two. Roughly 40% of the bees will fill their honey stomachs with honey and leave their hive along with their queen with the intention of setting up a new home. During this phase the bees are often homeless or have just moved into their new home. Once they have been living in a location for a week or longer, they cease to be a swarm and are now more properly termed a “hive” or a “colony”. • • Brand Name: Manjari Honey • Proprietor Video Host: Mr. Parthiban • Facebook:   / manjari-honey-1544167635702677   • #honey #apiculture #bees #honeybees #beecatching #manjarihoney


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