Surveillance Cameras Field of View Demonstration and Review


Check us out online at - • This video showcases different Fields of View for educational purposes. • Hello everyone, my name is Tim and I'm one of the security experts here at Proactive Security. Where your safety and peace of mind is our business. I'm here today to talk to you guys about Field of View, or FOV for short. • The field of view that a camera captures in is a very important thing to consider when choosing a security camera system. They are not all made equal, however with a bit of know-how we can make sure we get the perfect viewing angle on all of your cameras. • The first thing you need to know is that cameras field of view is measured in milometer length, designated by a double lower case m after a number. As an example 2.8mm. The lower the number the wider the angle and the higher the number the more narrow of a picture is produced. • To get the best idea of what a camera produces check out the specification sheet that will have the viewing angle listed in degrees which can be a lot more helpful when determining the exact field of view on the camera. • A lot of cameras are becoming more versatile by coming equipped with variable focus lenses, such as our 4K Vandal Dome camera that has a 2.8-12mm lens. This is an extremely useful feature because depending on your application you can have a very wide 2.8mm lens for general coverage or adjust the lens all the way up to 12mm for a more narrow view to monitor something specific such as an entrance, door way, drive way, etc. • Most modern systems will have a mixture of fixed wide angle cameras for general coverage with a few variable focus lens cameras to monitor specific areas around the home or business. • Here is a demo of 3 cameras I put up side by side to view the same area all with different field of views so you can see how greatly camera choice can impact performance. Take a look.


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