Body found may be that of murdered journalist


(17 May 2002) • • Gadap, South Karachi • 1. Various of investigators in garden where remains, thought to be those of Daniel Pearl, were discovered • 2. Garden where shallow grave was discovered • 3. Medical gloves on table nearby • 4. Various investigative scene • 5. SOUNDBITE (Urdu and English) Mansour Mughal, Head of police investigation into Daniel Pearl kidnapping and murder • They found 10 pieces (of a dismembered body). Ten pieces and a piece of blue cloth. We cannot confirm yet that the remains are of Daniel Pearl. • • Gadap, South Karachi • 6. Various of Americans walking to grave site • 7. American investigator going to grave site - mound of earth with chair in front of it and white plastic sheeting • 8. Various of grave site • 9. Police guarding site • 10. More of grave site • 11. Americans leaving • • Karachi • 12. Karachi Police Chief Kamal Shah entering news conference • 13. Cutaways reporters • 14. SOUNDBITE (English) Kamal Shah, Karachi Police Chief • As a result of this action, it lead us to recovery of a dead body which is cut into 10 pieces, including the skull. Examination of the dead body reveals that it is not - none of the parts is identifiable and it would definitely require thorough examination and thorough analysis before an opinion can be formed of who is the gentlemen whose dead body this is. • 15. Three cutaways (short shots) • 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Kamal Shah, Karachi Police Chief • All those parts of the body which can establish true DNA tests, the identity of the dead body, the identity of the dead body, we would leave it to the technical experts whether they want to establish through the hair plus the teeth, other parts of the body, blood is, of course, very important and any of them. I mean we would place all 10 pieces of the entire dead body at their disposal. Let them examine the way they want to do it so that the purpose, the objective is achieved, and that is the identification of the dead body. • 17. Shah leaving news conference • • Hyderabad • 8. Various of prison complex inside which closed trial is taking place of those accused of kidnap and murder of Daniel Pearl • 9. Various convoys of lawyers and police entering complex • 10. Various shots of of complex • 12. Various lawyers leaving complex • • STORYLINE: • • A dismembered body believed to be that of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was recovered in Pakistan on Friday from a grave on property owned by a group labelled a terrorist organisation by the United States. • • Police in Karachi said they discovered a human body in 10 pieces, including the severed head, in a shallow four and a half foot (one point three-metre) grave. • • The remains were taken away by ambulance to a nearby hospital,. • • Blood and hair samples were sent for DNA testing to confirm whether it was Pearl's body. • • The shallow grave was located on property which Pakistan's state-run television said was owned by Al-Rashid Trust. • • Nearby the body was a blood-spattered shed where authorities believe Pearl was held before his videotaped murder. • • In the shack, police found a car seat that resembled one in pictures sent to news agencies by Pearl's kidnappers, the chief investigator into Pearl's disappearance told The Associated Press. • • Samples of blood on the walls of the shed were taken for DNA testing, he said. • • The jacket of the track suit that Pearl was photographed wearing was also found buried in the grave with the body, he said. • • By mid-afternoon on Friday, two officials from the US consulate in Karachi arrived at the site in Gadap, a neighbourhood almost 30 kilometres (18 miles) from the centre of Karachi. • • • • • • • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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