The Twitch Drama Explained
► The Twitch Drama Explained... • So In This is the The Twitch Drama Explained, Now Recently there's been a lot of drama in the twitch Community, With Mizkif getting kicked from OTK, XQC Breaking up with his girlfriend, And Twitch Banning Gambling, Now all of this drama started When a stream by the name of Slicker got exposed for scamming people, Then at one point miskif got exposed by TrainwrecksTV, Thats when Adriana Lee Came out and Exposed MizKif, So in this video ill be going over the Miskif Drama and why Miskif Left OTK • Thanks For The Support like and sub if you enjoyed ❤ • Follow my socials: • Discord Server - / discord • Twitter - / omnijalyns • Instagram- / jalynishere • #Twitch #Drama #MisKif