Correcting a Surging 8HP Tecumseh Engine


With winter on the horizon I want to get my walk behind Snow Blower operational. The engine surges and so in this video I clean the carb. • The engine has been more or less idle for about 2 years. The carb was pretty gummed up with old fuel and such like. Have a look and see how I go about dismantling the carb, cleaning it and the putting it all back together. • I think this job as a success as the surge seems to be eliminated. During the process I was checking online for some parts. I discovered a brand new carb for hardly any cost so I ordered a new carb. Now I will have a good spare should anything else go wrong with this one. • Carbs used to scare me and if the engine wasn't working right due to carb issues, I often just let it be and ran it in poor condition. After watching some good Youtube channels about small engine repairs, I have come to 'not fear' the carb. They are pretty simple really and generally a good cleaning is about all they need to make them operate like new. • If you have a poorly operating engine that is due to carb issues, give cleaning it a try. If you mess it up, there are complete new carbs available at parts houses for pretty cheap. And you will learn a thing or two about carbs on the way as well!!! Go for it!!! • Thanks a lot for tuning in and watching my videos. This one was pretty long. I apologize for that. But it was hard to edit without cutting out important parts, so here it is!!! • Please 'like' and 'sub' if you aren't already a subscriber. I enjoy comments too, so don't be afraid to let me know what you think!!! I promise I'll respond!! We'll talk to ya.. • #surgingengine • #carbcleaning • #snowblowertuneup • #grampiesworkshop


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