Little Stepper Motors


How strong are these little stepper motors? I've got some answers! • • I've been using these a lot lately, both in my 3D printers and on some other machines that I'm building, so I wanted to get to the bottom of this! I figured the only way to really do it properly was to go all out. Load cell, spreadsheets, and everything. • • Long story short, you can get a little less than half of the rated holding torque when driving a load, assuming you're conservative with your speed and acceleration settings. Holding torque is just the locked rotor torque (the ability to hold a load in place), which I also tested. Unsurprisingly, my results were very close to the rated value, although drive settings really matter. • • So if you're used to using steppers in linear motion applications (like 3D printers), 100 RPMs is about 67 mm/s with a typical belt drive printer. In terms of acceleration, 100 rev/s^2 is about 4000 mm/s^2. This would partially explain the print quality limitations at higher speeds with many printers. • • What other stepper questions do you have? Drop a comment below and I'll get back to you! • • #engineering #industrialautomation #3dprinting #machinedesign #designformanufacture #manufacturing #cad #mechanicalengineering #prototype #productdevelopment #fixturing #mechanicaldesign #steppermotors #steppers #nema17 #nema #experiments #doingscience #3dprintedtools #3dprinted #workholding #machinebuilding


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