Alesis Command Mesh Complete Module Playthrough
Jamie is down in our Romford store with the all new Command Mesh electronic kit from Alesis! As well as the complete spec run through, Jamie was kind enough to give us the complete module demo, hear every kit the Command Mesh has to offer right here. • Check out the Alesis Command Mesh here - • The Alesis Command Mesh is the new stand-out kit from Alesis, offering 70 in-built kits (20 are user customisable!) and 600 sounds available. The kit itself is made up of a 10 dual-zone mesh snare, three 8 dual-zone mesh tom pads, an 8 mesh kick toward pad (with pedal), and three 10 cymbals! • The new Mesh heads where designed to give the player that 'real feel' that is so desired and (pretty much) expected from electric kits these days. Well Alesis have done a great job of this and at this price point you'd be hard pressed to find anything that comes close. • Perfect for mid to advanced level drummers - Mesh heads to give a realistic feel, the Command Pro module with 70 kits and 600 sounds (a serious bit of kit!) light weight, portable and with the ability to home record - you have to ask, how did I go for so long without this kit in my life? • Check out the Command Mesh, listen to what it has to offer and comment down below to let us know what you think of this awesome Alesis product! • Subscribe: • Find us on social media: • / pmthouseofrock • / pmthouseofrock • / pmthouseofrock