when people sign changeorg petitions

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5ZZPjnsVv0M

we are gonna make a change you guys • ↓COME FOLLOW ME HERE OR I WILL CRY (HARD)↓ • Instagram:   / johnsongus   • Twitch:   / gusjohnson   • MERCH: shop.gusjohnson.co • Twitter:   / gusbuckets   • Reddit:   / gusjohnson   • thanks to ryan leader for filming!    / ryantheleader   • sub to ian:    / iankung   • in this video i just chew on 2 pieces of bread and pretend they are a sandwich • Gus Johnson plays all sorts of characters, from Mitchell Robbins to JK Rowling to some guy in God's Country to Imbiamba Jombes to filming videos with his mom to pillow guy to the my pool guy to small town reviews to how they use shotguns in movies to the tough kid growing up to your friend who has a knife to spotify ad guy to the how they use shotgun to the gus johnson shotgun to if i was frozone... I don't know why I am writing this in third person. I am Gus. I wrote this. My brother is Sven Johnson, that guy's alright. Guys, if you put all this dumb stuff in the description, it helps your videos. isn't that wild? • Thanks for watching and sharing! Don't stab people. I'll see you later.


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