Mary is dead
Twilight finds out that Mary (her mother) is losing her immortality. cuz of her curse that was done by dictator brightburn when he banished her to a whole new planet. • she is now aging and getting sick. Twilight is upset because Mary never told her and that their whole species is built on being immortal. • So Twilight waits for the right time to Strike. In Mary’s room Twilight kills her. Mary was too weak to fight. Twilight keeps Mary’s head hanging from from the ceiling of the building. And Mary’s body is given to the starving demons below. Showing her resentment towards her mother being just like the demons. Weak and powerless. • Junja watches how the demons scream and fight over Mary’s dead corpse, killing each other in the making. Junja is disgusted at her now bland future…she can only hope that her plans works.. • • #capcut #animation #animationmeme #comic #comicdub #villian #aplaguetale #daeksountrack #fighting #apocalypse #storyboarding #procreate