Resident Evil 4 Remake Jack Krauser second boss fight chapter 14


This Resident Evil 4 Remake game guide shows the second and last boss battle with Jack Krauser - it'll take place in the Ruins in chapter 14. The fight is divided into six main parts and thankfully the game will be creating autosaves between them, so you don't have to complete all of them in one go. • PHASE 1: You will begin the fight behind cover and stay there for a while. Leave cover only to shoot at Krauser and be ready to change your hiding spot, because the explosions can destroy some objects used as cover. When Krauser jumps towards your area use your better weapons to prevent him from moving closer, because he could grab you or perform other problematic attacks. Once he's left head to the valve and raise the gate. • PHASE 2: You'll be encountering a lot of traps from now on. Try to disarm all of them instead of triggering them. Expect Krauser to show up suddenly in several places and attack him quickly when that happens for the first time or otherwise he'll grab you and you'll lose some health. You can use your firearms to destroy the turrets. • PHASE 3: Use the stairs and you'll see Krauser in the distance. Don't try to shoot at him, because he would hide. Use cover and keep getting closer to him. Always begin the next sprint after Krauser has destroyed your current cover. Don't approach the exit too soon, because he'll throw several grenades. Move back and wait for the explosions. • PHASE 4: You can finally have a close distance fight with Krauser and keep using your better weapons to wound him. Watch out for the nearby traps at the same time. Press the Evade button if the boss suddenly lands behind you and mash the action button if he grabs you. • PHASE 5: You'll have to go through dark catacombs. Expect to encounter a mutated version of Krauser several times - use Evade to avoid his attacks. Keep running through the catacombs until you reach the ladder. • PHASE 6: You can finally have a proper confrontation with mutated Krauser. Start by using Evade. It's a good idea to keep running to the side to avoid his melee attacks or otherwise you'd have to parry them perfectly. Switch to your best weapon (we've been using the magnum) and look for opportunities to attack him when he's exposed and not hiding behind his limbs. Keep weakening him until he's defeated. • ▬ MORE GAME GUIDES • • ♥ FOLLOW US •   / gamepressurecom   •   / gamepressure  


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