Pappyland Intro amp Outro 1990s Theme Song For Pappyland starring Pappy DrewIt


Pappyland Theme Song Intro Outro (1990's) • Lyrics: • Did you ever want to paint? • Did you ever want to draw? • Did you ever want to re-create anything at all? • Well now you can in Pappyland • That's where you are today. • Where anything can happen, • 'Cause Pappy drew it that way. • Pappy, Pappy Drew-It, • He drew Pappyland. • And you too, can do it, • When you're in Pappyland. • And you too, can do it, When you're in Pappyland. And you too, can do it, When you're in Pappyland…. • Characters on the show: • Pappy Drew-It (portrayed by Michael Cariglio) is an artist and host of the series who loves to draw, He was dressed in a hat, suspenders, glasses, a green bandana, yellow shirt, and khaki pants; similar to the appearance of a forty-niner. The theme song suggests that he created Pappyland; although the season 5 episode Grandpappy's Day for Drawing , which aired in 1997, suggests that Pappy's father or possibly Grandfather, Grandpappy Drew-It who was also played by Cariglio created Pappyland rather than Pappy himself. He lives in Pappyland and has many friends who live there. A running gag in the series was that whenever he coloured the picture he drew earlier in the episode, he would break one of his crayons. This was done so Pappy could teach kids that you don't have to throw away a crayon just because it breaks. On occasion, when he colored in the picture, he also went outside the lines, thus teaching kids that it's all right to go outside the lines when coloring. In the original VHS, he was portrayed as a hillbilly. To get to various places in Pappyland, Pappy makes use of different modes of transportation like the Pappy Pad Express, the Much More Door, the Wishing Wheel, the Pappyscope, and the Color Copter. • Elmer (performed by Joe Cariglio) is an old, wisecracking, and sometimes grumpy man who sits in a rocking chair in front of Pappy's desk. He tells a lot of jokes to Pappy. He also works at the Pappy Mines. At the beginning and end of mostly every episode, he would shout Hey, sonny! Don't you know what time it is? , indicating that it was time to say hello to everyone, and that it was time to leave. He smoked a pipe in the original VHS. • Binky is a talking paintbrush who originally lived in the Brushlands, but later moved to Pappy's cabin. He likes to paint pictures. • Lily is a talking flower who originally lived in a flower field, but later moved to a windowsill in Pappy's cabin. At the beginning of mostly every episode when she lived in the cabin, Pappy would give her some water from a watering can. • Grandpappy Drew-It is a painting of either Pappy's father or grandfather and Snacker Jack's uncle. He also appeared in the original VHS. • Belle (performed by Marilyn Arnone) is a talking telephone who lives in Pappy's cabin starting in the third season. She speaks with a southern accent and sometimes delivers news to Pappy, usually when someone is in trouble. • Color Copter is a sentient biplane/helicopter that would serve as Pappy's modes of transportation alongside the Pappy Pad Express, the Much More Door, the Wishing Wheel, and the Pappyscope. The Color Copter tends to speak in some episodes. • MailBird is a bird who was introduced in the show's third season in 1995. He speaks with an English accent and delivers mail and often makes crash landings when doing so. He also works at the LetterLands Post Office. He was very disorganized, but Pappy later helped him get organized. • Sing-A-Song Sam (portrayed by Michael Curley) is a singer and pianist who in most episodes sang a song about the lesson learned in the episode. • Buddy Bear is a bear who loves honey. He lives in a cave known as the Hamlet in Pencil Point. • Chucky Woodchuckles is a woodchuck who lives in a wooded area in Pappyland. • Tree-O are a group of three trees that lived in a forest. • Woody is a tree that lived at the entrance of Pappyland. • Pumpkin Pop and Pumpkid are father and son pumpkins that originally lived in the Pappyland Grand Garden. • Doodle Bug is a bug who was introduced in the fourth season in 1996. • Donkey Dan is a donkey that lives in a stable at the barnyard. • Duggan is a parrot who appeared in a few episodes. He is usually unjustifiably angry and sometimes violent towards the other residents of Pappyland. • Fishface was a mean-spirited fish that Pappy eventually won over with his kindness and drawing. • Snacker Jack Drew-It is Pappy's city cousin Turtle Lou visits Italy . • Wanda is a woodpecker who lived at Woodchuckles • Songbirdy is an animated bird who appeared in season 2 in 1993. • Flutterby is an animated butterfly who appeared in season 2 in 1993. • Eloise is Elmer's twin sister who appeared in two episodes of season 3 which aired in 1995. • Color Taker or C.T. for short, is a selfish bully resembling a vacuum cleaner who lived in the Color Mountain. • Be sure to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to our channel here on YouTube. You can also find us on Facebook:   / ournostalgicmemories   • #pappyland #pappydrewit #90skids


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